Sunday, July 08, 2007

I'm Back

I got myself into a corner by insisting on doing photoblogging for every post, and then being too lazy to upload pictures. So I think I'll try some just-words blogging until I have a really good picture.

Boris is still inexplicably improving. He's anemic but his behavior continues to return to normal. We had a couple of tense weeks while he and Keaton figured out who gets to be the new alpha, but it seems to be resolved now and Boris is once again king of the castle, with Keaton as his devoted minion.

And have I mentioned lately that I have the best husband in the world? Because he reads my blog AND buys me the books I beg for on it. Now I'm paging through my brand spankin' new copy of "Fitted Knits" and trying to decide if I can declare myself "intermediate" yet so I can make the puff-sleeved cardigan. (Probably not.)

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